Wednesday 30 November 2011

Module 1

I have learnt a lot of new wonderfully interesting things in Module 1!

Exploring the second life website..
Discoving what icloud was

Probably the most eye opening discovery during module 1 was the video on youtube titled "social media revolution". Some of the statistics in relation to facebook . were amazing as I will share below.
* TV took 13 years to reach 13 million users, the internet took 4 years, the ipod 3 and FACEBOOK ADDED 100 MILLION USERS IN LESS THAN 9 MONTHS!!!!
* If facebook were a country it would be the worlds 4th largest

I also found it amazing and  sad that 24 out of the 25 largest newspapers in the world are experiencing record declines in circulation. I am going to be one of the older generation who has experienced both print and online social media which I find to be a privilage as I am loving doscovering this new online technology but also being able to  read a hardcopy book with enjoyment!!!.

This week I looked up how to make a bonless leg of lamb on the internet and one of the pages that I came across was someones cooking blog
I was also able to sign up and be notified of new updates on my twitter account!.

The topic has made me think so much more about the web 2.0 technologies that I use but take for granted everyday. For example talking to another mum recently  who was interested in where I bought my modern cloth nappies I was able to share the website link with her through my Facebook page. Hows that for cheap and easy marketing!!!
Downloading songs for ipod this morning I also noticed that I was able to share links to my facebook account of artists that I would like to share with others!.

Now I look forward to reading and reporting on module 2

Friday 18 November 2011

What is Social networking ?.

Social networking can be defined as the sharing of information  using web 2.0 technologies such as Facebook to share information about what a person or organisation  is doing.and  to seek feedback on this information.  The type of information shared  can include, Videos, Photo’s and  Written information
I currently use the social network website  of Facebook  to share information and photos about what I am doing in my everyday life. I find this technology easy to use and the appeal of it to me is that I can write one entry for all my friends and family rather than having to send individual emails. The fact that it is quick to check and see what everyone is doing really appeals to me as I am a busy mum, student and employee who is rather time poor and would not normally  have time to keep in touch with others the way that Facebook allows me too.
Recently I have subscribed to the Facebook group for the National year of reading 2012 for work.
I also use the social networking tool of Youtube for both personal and study purposes. I find youtube is great for distance education study as online podcasts allow me to put a face to my lecturers name and vice versa.
In this subject of “Social networking” I expect to learn  about different types of social networking  tools and the way they work so  that I can benenfit my organisation to use these technologies to reach out to current library users and also potentional  library users.