Monday 30 January 2012

Assesment item 3 - Evaluative statement

Evaluative Report

Part A

Please find below my three evaluative OLJ experiences.

Building Academic Library 2.0

The information that was contained in this video was invaluable towards my development as an Information Professional.

Many of the speakers constantly reinforced the fact that was that it was important that Librarians go out there and find where our users are instead of the other way around. With so much competition out there in the provision of information the town library is no longer the only choice for having your information needs found.

No longer is the traditional librarian in charge of what and how information will be delivered. The delivery of information is now a collaborative effort of which the general public has a large role to play as they tell us what they want and how they want it.

Information Professionals all need to work together and encourage each other to keep up to date with the all the changes in technology. There is no I in the word team!

Information Professionals need to be ready to release programs before they are perfect as with the constant changes in technology we would be getting left behind with our need to strive for perfection.

Information Professionals need to get out there and have fun. No longer does our profession need to be seen as boaring and predictable but fun and exciting as we explore the doors that the development of new technology has left open for us.

Shift Happens Video

Technology has changed the way that people think and do things. This video gave me as an information professional a lot of food for thought.

It was shocking to learn that 95% of songs that were downloaded were not paid for last year. Whilst sharing is good it is not good when artists who work hard to produce music for us do not get the monetary rewards that they deserve. Policies need to be put into place to stop these practices from happening or the very technology that allows this sharing could also result in the music industry’s death as they cannot afford to produce music anymore due to illegal downloads. Librarians have been precious about protecting books we also need to be precious about protecting information and its access in the digital world. It is also important that we work together with other information providers to reduce this threat.

Policies have an important role to play to remind people of what acceptable use of information is within library perimeters are permitted. This is especially important with staff using social networking sites. Inacceptable use could tarnish the reputation of our organisations and we want to prevent that from occurring. Policies give staff and other users guidelines so that information on these sites can be using in a positive manner which will build up the reputation of our organisation rather than destroy it.

RSS in Action

It is always interesting to read what other information professionals are using technology like RSS feeds for and get new ideas for my own organisation from this.

I was particularly impressed with the La Trobe University’s easy to use guide about firstly what an RSS feed was.  It is important to share this type of information with users as this will make them more open to using technology that they are able to first have a basic understanding of.

The ways that RSS feeds for new titles was broken down into subjects was also another time saver for students which would make them more keen to use the technology and feel that the library had their needs in mind when developing an application that was designed to save them time. Once again it would put another positive spin on the library and make users more likely to seek out its information needs from us rather than alternative sources.

Cambridge University also had another innovative way of using RSS feeds which our library could use and that is using RSS feeds to inform its users of any down time our website would be having for its upgrades. This would make users more likely to use our service as they know that the library is always reliable.


As a result of studying INF 206 I have been able to largely increase my knowledge base on the topic of “Social Networking”.

Social networking is an amazing subject and it has really made me excited about the many opportunities that are available to me to use it to promote my organisation. I have at times found it to be time consuming which has made me conscious of the fact that I cannot do all that I want to do at once rather I will need to start with a few small projects like Blogs and Twitter and work my way up towards bigger projects.

I love the four underlying principles of Web 2.0 and they are Collaboration, Conversation, Community and Content creation. (Lodge. Module 3. 2011)  I am going to put up a mind map of a cloud with these four principles around it on our webpage to demonstrate to patrons that we are serious about working with them to create a community library service where everyone can participate and feel involved.

I really enjoyed the opportunity to share useful websites through the Facebook page with my peers in INF 206 about information which was relevant to this topic. The sharing of information in this way enabled me to learn about a few things that I may not have had time to discover existed if it had not been the result of my peers sharing their knowledge. After seeing how wonderfully the INF206 group was able to share information I would like to set up a similar closed group in my workplace for us to share handy website discoveries. (Facebook. INF 206. 2011)

It excites me that a large part of life as an information professional in the social networking world will involve working together with the public to achieve their needs and wants for a better and more user friendly library service. I am very excited to get project Wikkis started for high school students so that they can share with each other their information resources as I reported on briefly in my “Building Academic Library blog post”. Campbell 2012.

 The future of the profession is about sharing information in its raw form and we no longer need to wait before items are perfect before releasing them as it’s with our users adding to libraries ideas that will help us to work towards an end result.

 I am looking forward to starting up a library ideas blog for our patrons and getting users to comment on what ideas they think would work and how the library can add features that would make items more users friendly.

Another important item that I learnt during studying the subject of social networking was that it is important for information professionals to go into the space of the user and find them rather than users having to find us. Setting up a library Facebook page is a good example of how we can go into people’s space and find them. In the did you know video (YouTube 2011) it listed the fact that Facebook is so well used that if it were a country it would be the world’s 4th largest!

This subject has opened up new worlds for me and I mean that literally with the discovery of a whole new virtual online world in the website “Second Life” in which I was able to create a new avatar and participate in an online meeting place with other students. Second Life is an area that I would like to explore further in my work as an Information Professional at a public library as I think it would be a handy way to get in touch with the youth in the community.

Discovering new uses for RSS feeds was another area that I would like to explore within the public library that I work. The library is often asked what new titles we have brought recently so I think that it would be very well received if the library could set up an RSS feed by subject for interested patrons. Of course this would also involve setting up a page of information for our patrons explaining what exactly an RSS feed is which would be modelled on the La Trobe University example as cited in my blog RSS in action. Campbell. 2012.

Social Networking in the library will also bring with it new challenges as we need to ensure that we have adequate policies in place that will prevent misuse of information which could result in harming both others and the organisation itself. I will need to keep our policies updated to cover new social networking sites and their appropriate use within library walls in regards to both library staff and patrons.

Above all it is important to read and keep learning to explore new opportunities and also encourage my peers to do the same.  Simply talking with a colleague during a spare moment at the customer service desk turned into the opportunity for me to learn about the blog called “the black librarian” which my colleague showed me when I told her that I was studying social networking this semester. This was a very inexpensive and quick learning opportunity for me and a perfect example of why it is important to share information with your colleagues as we have the opportunity to learn from each other in a simple and non-threatening way.

In module 4 I was very happy to be given a number of fantastic examples of the ways web 2.0 technologies are being used in other settings. This will be a great benefit for me in showing my library supervisor of the positive benefits of these technologies in convincing her to let me trial a few of the ones that we are not already using. Module 4.Page 3. Lodge . 2011. An item in particular that I think would be one to aim for in my organisation in the near future would be using Twitter for Reference services.

 This subject has given me the passion to keep learning about the different types of new technology that is available to me and how it can benefit my organisation. It has also given me passion to not be afraid to experiment with it and as I love a challenge that is exactly what I am now going off to do!


Did you know video. YouTube. Accessed

Facebook INF 206 Closed Group 2011.

Module 3. Lodge, D. 2011

Module 4. Lodge, D. 2011

RSS in action.Campbell, C. 2012

Building Academic Library. Campbell, C .2012

(Sorry about the big  blank parts I had trouble cutting and pasting from Word ).

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